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Signatures of Revival for Growing in Discipleship

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Signatures of Revival is a deliberate attempt inspired by the Holy Spirit to trigger revival through short but incisive messages to enable believers to run the Kingdom race with utmost zest and readiness to win the incorruptible crown. The content is driven by biblical revelations and is pointed to draw the attention of men of God. It is purely prescriptive, diagnostic, and curative. It is lucid and sound to provoke the much anticipated revival at a time when world is faced with absurdities and dangerous trends, especially in church and society. Don't keep it on your shelf, let it go viral as soon as possible. It promises to be transformed with the tough of the refiner's fire to purge you and fuller's soap to cleanse you.


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Price $3,000
Type Paperbook
Author(s) Sola Alimi
Book Publisher Crownix Media Concept

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